Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today, I attended choir practice for my school's 20th foundation anniversary celebration. My voice becomes slightly ugly when I make my pitch too high. Hehe. I hope nobody noticed. Hopefully, nobody did.

I love choir practice. Melodies and harmonies gather. The beat is divine. And we get to learn how to make our voice like this and that and this and that. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
But it was also tiring. Now I feel how singers feel after their concerts. But I also know that they enjoy. I enjoy, too.

So, before that, the schoolday was itself. I and my classmates had our NAT review. I and my female classmates watched the boys play baskteball. The black team won. Woot from fans and boos from anti-blacks. We had an essay quiz in English. Easy as cherry pie. We also did other little things the little, innocent tweens of the planet Earth do. Yep.

So... who's excited for Valentine's Day?! I guess I am! I heart Valentine's Day. It is so innocent and lovely. Watching people fall in love is romantic.... unless you're talking about Edward and Bella. That's starting to get old. Haha.
Anyways, I do not want to see sad people on Valentine's day. I won't say that they are "kill-joy". The day would just be better with everyone smiling and swooning. No need of giving roses to crushes. Ew.

My day was average. But I will not state that my life is average. It is. But that is for MLIA users. Hehe.


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