Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Behold the Awkwardness

This morning, it was just the same routine. I got ready for classes. School service. And then I arrived at school. I was going up the stairs and saw a classmate. So I greeted her "Good morning." but when she turned around..... IT WAS SOMEBODY ELSE.

I kept my expression the way it was and just kept going up the stairs using the same speed. My inner self was screaming and shouting like "AAAAAAAAAOOOOAAAOOOAAHH!!!!!". That. Was. Awkward. She was a fifth grader. I do not know what her name is. Her expression gave nothing away. I have never ever ever ever talked to her in my entire life. I wanted to sprint to the door, but I feared that the girl would be confused or I would trip UP the stairs.

Again, awkward.

Half of my brain told me to NEVER ever greet somebody without seeing his or her face first. But the other half told me that the girl would just forget about that and think I was being polite. Both works.

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